Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dealing with Torticollis

My son Emmett was born in May 2012.  By the first week of June I started to notice that he would only look to the right when I laid him down to nap.  By the middle of June he would only look to the right all the time. It was about that time that I started to notice that his forehead looked pushed forward a bit.  I asked the pediatrician about it and he said that some shifting was normal and not to worry about it.  

On July 16, 2012, Emmett had his two month check up.  I was more adamant this time that the doctor listen to me and I told him that Emmett was only looking to the right, his forehead didn't look right and when you hold his body up he curled to the side.  This time he listened and did some x-rays.  At that time he was diagnosed him with Torticollis and Infantile idiopathic scoliosis.  

On July 26th I met with a director at Up to 3 and went over Emmett's problems.  She agreed that he needed to see a physical therapist to help with the torticollis.  I first met with him on August 2nd.  He showed me some simple things to do with Emmett such as placing him on his side supported by rice bags, along with trying to get his attention on the left side.  I worked on doing those things until our next appointment which was on August 23rd.  

At our appointment on August 23rd, the physical therapist said that he thought the therapy was working but he was noticing some malformation in his head as well and he referred me to Pediatric Rehab.  to look into getting a helmet for Emmett.

I met with a physical therapist at pediatric rehab on August 30th where he evaluated Emmett for two hours.  He said that he could see a lot of asymmetry in Emmett and he felt that he wasn't as comfortable working with a small baby, so he referred me to an occupational therapist in the same office.  

In September, I had two visits with the physical therapist from Up to 3, and I continued to do the exercises and placing that he showed me.  I also met with the O.T.  for another two hour evaluation and two follow up visits to talk about stretching and placing as well.  

At home with Emmett we work on chin tucking, rolling, stretching, placing, sitting up, and tummy time.  I have limited his time in a car seat, bouncer, swing, etc.  I make sure to spend lots of time playing with him on the floor and I try to lay him down on his left side for naps and bedtime.  

Through all of our efforts Emmett has improved a great deal.  Stay tuned for pictures of his amazing progress.

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